Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Winning Strategies For Small Business Internet Marketing Success!

 Winning Strategies For Small Business
 Internet Marketing Success!
 Small business internet marketing isn't just advertising anymore.  It used
 to consist of purchasing ads in various places, and then purchasing 
 specific types of ads, when the internet exploded.  Now the difference
 between  advertising and marketing has become very clear. 
 Advertising is something you do that's very passive. Yes, you'll use
 specific language in any advertising space you purchase to try to entice
 people to click and buy, but once you've put the ad in place, it's there
 and it's not going to change. Even pay-per-click advertising falls into
 this more passive category.

 But with many of the techniques of small business internet marketing,
 the things you do are far from passive.  If you search engine optimize
 your website, that might seem passive because once you do it, it's done.  But that's
 not true.  As you add new pages to your website, you do more tweaking
 and changing.  You'll use new keywords and different keywords in
 different areas.
winning advertising
 Sure, if you use banner ads you'll change them from time to time, but
 it's still much more static that almost any other type of marketing you 
 can do. And unless you have a huge advertising budget, those static ads
 like banners and pay-per-clicks probably aren't going to garner you many
 sales. Most of the reason is 99% of them are set up wrong, and that's for
 another whole article!
 Anyway, let's stay on point........#emailmarketingforsmallbusiness 
 It's the dynamic methods of small business internet marketing that are
 going to bring people to your website and keep them coming back. And
 when they keep coming back, they're once again waiting to be educated,
 with the things you offer. Some statistics show,it can take a person 6 or 7
 times seeing an offer before they're inclined to buy, so the more you get
 them to visit your website, seeing your products and services, the more
 likely it is you'll succeed at gaining a paying customer. I would prefer to
 say that if it takes someone 6 or 7 times before they are convinced to
 purchase your offer or product, you probably need to work on your
 overall conversion technique, but again, another post, for another time. 
 Look at all of this great upcoming information you are going to get by 
 following this blog! I'm injecting a little humor here, but there is a lot 
 of truth in humor, and this is a blog for local/small businesses. I absolutely
 know how to get you to succeed, since I ran a small business for over
 24 plus years. So, hopefully you will find this very helpful. It is a dog eat
 dog world out there, and you need every single edge you can get. That's
 why I'm here, to help you get those edges, grow and outperform your
 competition. So let's get on with it, shall we?#localadvertisingtips 
 The most efficient, active method of small business internet marketing 
 that's guaranteed to let you make frequent contact with your target 
 market is an opt-in mailing list.  You can offer some information, a 
 discount, or an ongoing event like a 5-day course that is packed with
 value in the eyes of your prospective customer. You must understand, it
 should be something relevant to your particular business. You must 
 entice your visitor to stay on your site and, create an irresistible offer
 so they want you to have their contact information.
 This is a huge piece of the puzzle. Once they've done that, you have 
 succeeded, at least on the first level, which is you have their permission
 to send out ongoing communications pertaining to your business. This
 now gives the small business a huge opportunity to begin to market to
 new customers, with an almost zero acquisition cost! Sure, you had to
 pay the overhead but as far as budgeting for advertising, it is a win
 win for you. 
 This in my mind, when I am teaching new customers, which are
 generally small businesses, is where you have the chance to level the
 playing field with the "big boys" in your competitive marketplace! You
 have positioned yourself to make the sale and grow your business. You
 are at least in the game! Now its time to show your interested party,
 why they should buy from you, and the benefits of doing business
 with your company. I can't stress enough how important this
 opportunity is.
internet marketing for small business
 In years past, before there was emails and internet marketing, it was 
 simple. The big guys would just outspend you and cut you off at the neck!
 Now you have fighting chance. You had better recognize this, and
 position yourself to out think your competitor's and find an angle that
 unequivocally separates yourselves from your competition. 
 The enormous ground you gain is, you don't need a huge advertising
 budget, and you aren't spending large amounts of capital to acquire
 customers! This is why, one of the first things I ask a prospective client,
 "do you have a growing email list?" If the answer is no, then that is the
 very first thing to get in place. It is the single most valuable asset a
 business has, on this tiny piece of real estate, called
 "The Internet!"#lowbudgetadvertising
 Remember, one of the biggest advantages a small/local business has over
 larger businesses is the ability to act fast! Hopefully you aren't set up
 with some hierarchy and red tape that larger corporations have. I mean,
 I have witnessed it. I have sat in meetings at larger corporations where
 they are in a board room arguing about what font should be used in the
 body of an advertisement??? OK. Yes that might be aesthetically 
 appealing to a small percentage of some target market that someone
 in management has identified, who is jockeying for their big career
 promotion, fine. I say, that's all a bunch of shenanigan's! Land the
 plane! Make the sale, use he font on your next campaign!!
 Come on, really?? 

 You should be careful about your approach now. You really won't want
 to just start sending ads every day. Come up with something that the
 people who found your website were obviously looking for.  If your small
 business, internet marketing plan makes it likely that people will come
 across your website when looking for ways to keep aphids off of
 houseplants, for instance, then offer a 3- 5- or 7- day email "course"
 about how take care of African violets or how to keep houseplants
 healthy in less than ideal conditions. Solve A PROBLEM!
 Not THE problem though.#succeedinginbusiness
email marketing for small business
 It's a sequence. If you have read anything about Long Form Sales Letters
 or what makes up great ads, which you SHOULD, since if you know this
 type of thing, you are thousands of miles ahead of many Small business
 owner's! Do yourself a favor and read a few things about David Ogilvy
 or even Billy Mays. Really pay attention to Direct Marketing and
 Infomercials! You might snicker at this, but you won't when your email
 sequence starts to not only pick up subscribers, but sales Too!! 
 Obviously the "aphid" topic above isn't going to drive billions of dollars
 in sales, but that's not my point. The huge takeaway here is this. Give
 them something of real value and you will see your efforts start to
 really pay off. You need to focus on this first and the sales will start
 to coming flying in.#claimingyouradvertisingspot
 Winning strategies for small business internet marketing success 
 is about making sure you are positioning yourself correctly. It is about,
 making sure your identity is clearly defined and that you are solving
 problems or offering services people "feel" they can't or don't want
 to live without! 
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